

To grow exceptional leaders Danny McGuigan offers clients a safe but challenging opportunity to achieve deep self-awareness and to achieve authentic leadership by developing themselves.

“Leadership emerges from your life story… authentic leadership requires a commitment to developing yourself… You need to take responsibility for developing yourself.”

Discovering Authentic Leadership
The Harvard Business Review 85 (2) 129


Danny supports organisations across Europe to develop their leaders.

Danny provides innovative leadership development coaching processes for senior leaders and executives, as well as aspiring leaders. His key focus is to serve as (1) a mentor to guide; (2) a teacher to develop skills; (3) a judge to evaluate progress; and (4) an encourager to cheer them on.

Developing Leaders

Authentic leaders energise, motivate and inspire ordinary people to achieve way beyond what they themselves believe they can achieve.

“It is the responsibility of leadership and management to give opportunities and put demands on people which enable them to grow as human beings in their work environment.”
John Harvey-Jones

Developing as an authentic leader often requires considerable self development, character development.

Peter Drucker often defined leadership in this way, “Leadership is the lifting of a man’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a man’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a man’s personality beyond its normal limitations.”

Authentic leaders develop adult relationships, especially healthy friendships to create a fully functioning organisation.

Employees want more from their job than just a paycheck.
Work friendships increase productivity and engagement.
Culture determines whether friendships can naturally develop and thrive.

Leadership development coaching experiences for organisations and individual clients

Working towards fully functioning leaders and managers, Danny’s unique approach to Leadership Development is based on several key principles:

The “Success Case Evaluation Method”, pioneered by Professor Robert Brinkerhoff
Follow-up mentoring and coaching that takes the form of an ongoing, supportive friendship
The Gallup Strengths Finder; finding the opportunity to do what you do best every day
Peter Drucker’s four C's - Competence, Character, Compassion, Community

Holistic, engaging with the whole person

Professionally stretching experiences

Psychometrics, temperament profiling

Exploring emotional intelligence

Focus on healthy mind and body

Understanding the growing spiritual needs of some leaders

“ People who want to be leaders have to start with themselves. You have to find your own style and you have to be true to your style. ”
Sir John Harvey-Jones, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 1997
“ It is the job of the leader to motivate, energise and inspire ordinary people to achieve, far beyond what they themselves believe they can achieve. ”
Sir John Harvey-Jones, Glasgow Royal Concert Hall, 1997
“ …in all the literature of business and management nowhere is there a single chapter on friendship. ”
Earl Shorris in James Nelson (1988) “The Intimate Connection”

Leadership Development Objectives

Seeking consolation, many leaders long for:

Deep and confident self-awareness

Humility and courage to acknowledge their unique, natural strengths

Achievement and success that aligns with their aspirations and purpose in life

A happy, balanced life, managing everyday pressure and maintaining sustainable high performance

Nourishing and healthy friendships at work, managing everyday conflict with calm, assertive energy

Leadership Development – World-class Models

Danny’s authentic leadership development program

 Involving the exploration of a number of world-class innovative and
interesting models and methodologies.

The Gallup Clifton Strengthsfinder

Discover your top 5 strengths.

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter

Keirsey transforms our understanding of people and provides a unique perspective that brings clarity on who you are, what you do, who you love, and what difference you make.

The Enneagram

Much more than a personality profile. The enneagram offers insight into core personality traits, as it delves deeper into the core motivations, defence mechanisms and fears that often lie in the unconscious layers of our personality structure.

Transactional Analysis (TA)

Transactional analysis is a technique which helps to understand the behaviour of other person so that communication becomes effective. Understanding human behaviour helps to motivate, guide and direct other persons.

GROW Model

The GROW Model is a coaching framework used in conversations, meetings and everyday leadership to unlock potential and possibilities.

Primary Research Area

Danny’s most recent postgraduate award was his PhD for research in HRM at The University of Strathclyde. Danny’s doctoral research focused on “The friendship experiences of senior managers…” and also explored the associated factors that influence individual and collective wellbeing and performance in organisations.

What clients say...